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This class allows you to load Shaders from a path and to access/modify uniforms inside the given Shader. You can also access the Uber shader and modify its Uniform values.

The shaders loaded from here use a specific format to be able to load both Vertex and Fragment shaders in one file. To access the different types of Shader stages supported (Vertex and Fragment atm), you can use macros: #vertex to change into the Vertex shader and #fragment to change into the Fragment shader. You can also use #ignore macro to write into no Shader stage in particular. You are able to include other shaders by using the macro #include follow by a path relative to the given shader. Example: #include colour.glsl.


  • static Shader GetUberShader() Returns a Shader class with a reference to the Uber shader. Please note that this particular Shader has the destructor disabled.

  • Shader(string path) Constructor for the Shader class. It takes a string as an argument and returns built shader.

  • void Draw() Draws the given Shader, by selecting its program as the one to use when drawing meshes.
  • int GetLocation(string name) Returns a location to a Uniform with the same name as the one given. Returns a -1 and an Error Log when no Uniform is found with the given name. Please note that no Draw of the Shader is done before getting the location, and if a Variable is not used inside the GLSL shader it might be removed to optimize it.
  • uint GetProgram() Returns the OpenGL ID of the Shader Program.
  • void SetInt(int location, int val)
  • void SetVec2(int location, Vec2 val)
  • void SetVec3(int location, Vec3 val)
  • void SetVec4(int location, Vec4 val)
  • void SetMat3(int location, Mat3 val)
  • void SetMat4(int location, Mat4 val)