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Text rendering class. Due to its nature this Class doesn't make use of the Uber shader, but of a custom one. It uses FreeType to load Font textures and Glyph information.

It makes use of the Mesh transform state, so translation and rotation using the Mesh and Stash system are okay. What it doesn't use is the Color and Texture system, that's why each Text contains its own Color.


  • Text(string text, Color color) Creates a Text with the given Text and Color.
  • void Draw(float scale) Renders the Text with the stored Color and given Scale.


  • string text The text string to draw.
  • Color color Color to apply while rendering the Text.


It is recommended that you draw the Text at the end of your update, since the Blend Alpha function can complain if not.

Text text = new Text("delta: ", new Color(255, 255, 255));

void Update() {
  text.text = "delta: " + Time.deltaTime;