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The window system is special, since it uses a hidden window to coordinate a shared OpenGL Context and coordinate system events, this window will be called default_window. Each window can be said to be tied to the default_window, this being the case since if all the windows have been closed the default_window will enter exit mode.

The window to be made current context at the start of each Update is the first one to be created that is still active. You can force the current context by calling MakeCurrent. A window can still exist in the C# Script, but it may have become inactive in the C++ backend, this can occur due to System events, or simply because the user has called the Close function.

Since the OpenGL Context is shared between all the windows, any resource created can be used in any window. The only warning to be given is that if you make use of more than one window, you must keep track of active windows and check if a window is active before drawing.


When changing Projection type (Perspective <-> Ortho) call MakeCurrent, since this is the step in which the Projection Matrix is calculated and loaded into the Shader.


  • static void SetPerspective(float fov) Sets window projection mode to Perspective with the given FOV in Radians.
  • static void SetOrtho() Sets window projection mode to Orthogonal.
  • Window(uint width, uint height, string title = "VisualKey") Creates a window with the given width, height and title.
  • bool IsOrtho()
  • bool IsPerspective()
  • void Background(uint r, uint g, uint b) Sets Background color to the given values divided by 255.
  • void Background(Vec3 color) Sets Background color to the given Vec3 divided by 255.
  • void Background(Color color) Sets Background color to the given Color.
  • void HideCursor() Hides window cursor and locks it.
  • void ShowCursor() Shows window cursor and unlocks it.
  • bool Fullscreen() Makes the window fullscreen and returns its fullscreen state.
  • void MakeCurrent() Recalculates Projection Matrix and Makes the window the current context.
  • void Close() Closes the window and makes it inactive.
  • bool IsValid() Returns if the window is still active in the C++ backend.


  • size Returns the current Window size, it uses custom Get and Set to resize when changed.


using System;
using VisualKey;

class App {

  Window window = new Window(1280, 720);
  Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(100, 100);

  void Start() {

  void Update() {
    window.Background(33, 33, 33);

  void Stop() {